RRCP April 18

Photo of Joy Dohr.

This week we made great progress on finalizing our study design. Soheyla consulted with a research design expert and was able to get good feedback on how we should set up the study. Caroline consulted with a color theory expert and got many resources to help us pick out our test colors. She also tested the emotive more and thinks it won’t fit the scope of this project. Olivia continued work on preparing the rooms in Sketchup.

Problems encountered included realizing we needed to switch technologies from the cave to the Discovery system in order to get the requisite number of people, and needing to use 3DS Max for proper color saturation display.

The project is on schedule, but have to adjust our schedule up in order to leverage the people at the fashion show.

This next week we will finish the room modeling, finalize the study design details, and hopefully test the system on ourselves.


  • One piece of media related to your work (image, video, audio, etc)
  • What each individual in the group worked on over the last week
  • A description of the accomplishments made
  • A description of the problems encountered
  • An analysis whether or not the project is still on schedule
  • Plans for the upcoming week