For class 2/10/14
Post Comments by 11:59 pm on 2/9/14
Place illusion and plausibility can lead to realistic behaviour in immersive virtual environments
Mel Slater
Which World Is Real? The Future of Virtual Reality
Please print out these articles and bring them with you to class on Monday for discussion. Alternatively, you can bring digital versions of the reading with you.
For discussion, please “Leave a Reply” below in the comments section as opposed to creating a new post. Note: The comments were previously shown as closed. This issue should be resolved now.
Post 1 (Pick 3, write one paragraph for each):
- Do you agree with Slater’s breakdown between PI and Psi? Do you agree with Slater that these concepts are orthogonal? Explain why.
- Slater writes “The illusion [PI], given the right physical set-up and the appropriate SCs in a particular modality, is automatic—it can coexist with different (but not contradictory) sensations in another modality.” Do you agree? Explain why.
- Do you agree that breaks in Psi are harder to overcome than breaks in PI? Explain.
- The paper references the Milgram Experiment ( How do you feel about this experiment being run in Virtual Reality?
- Select a topic that you find interesting, dubious, confusing or curious and explain why. Write at least a paragraph of explanation and add citations if warranted.
Post 2 (Pick 3, write one paragraph for each):
- The article brings up many concerns about VR. Pick one to either argue for or against
- Pick one of the quotes listed in the article that you find apt, interesting, misleading, problematic, etc. Make an argument for our against the citation.
- How do you feel about the predictions this article makes? Do you agree with them? Do you find them misguided?
- This article was written some time ago. Do you think the issues raised are the same issues today? What types of new issues do you believe have risen up over the last decade.