This week:
Cory – Set up a git repo to work in. Created the initial gamemode that we will build off of. Added some weapons to the only player to test game details. Started looking into how multiplayer works with Garry’s mod.
Giang – Started to look into how to add NPCs (non-player characters) into the gamemode.
Jacob – Started to look into how to create interactive portal zones in our maps.
We were able to set up the very basic backbone of the game.
Multiplayer did not appear to work immediately for our gamemode. It looks like we may need to do some sort of port forwarding or other configuration to allow creating and accessing new servers.
Still on schedule?
We’re a little behind schedule. We were not able to get very much done this week.
Plans for next week:
Finish creating the basic set up and rules for the RunnerGunner gamemode