Cave Archeological Virtual Excursions

Cave Archeological Virtual Excursions

At least one concept image

C.A.V.E. was inspired upon Nightmare Before Christmas ‘hub” and airport terminals.

A brief description of your project

  • What you are attempting to accomplish?

We are attempting to make an interactive puzzle game with multiple environments all following a cohesive story/setting. Must be interesting and fun.

Description of the user’s experience

  • Does the user have a goal?

The user will be tasked with solving basic puzzles and traversing through interesting locales.

  • How will the user interact with the system?

The user will interact using the standard cave wand and potentially voice recognition using the Kinect.

  • What happens if the user doesn’t do what they are supposed to?

An indicator will be displayed on their hud giving them a clue as to what to do. Depending on how hard an objective can be, we can tweak this such that it is either more/less obvious.


  • What software and hardware do you plan to use

        The Cave >.> Possibly the Kinect. Sketchup, Revit and 3DS Max

Weekly Timeline

  • Either use a Gantt chart or describe desired outcomes on a weekly basis

    • April 9: Have a cohesive theme and general direction for the game. Start creating puzzle design charts and specific level requirements/directions. Start working on terminal.

    • April 16: Have puzzle design charts finished and specific level requirements/directions finished. Start modeling levels. Start programming a HUD && item interactivity. Look at Kinect Voice Recognition. If (easy){startKinectProgramming()}else{nope.avi}

    • April 23: Levels are (or are nearly) finished. Have programming of HUD (say “give me a hint” and text is displayed) finished. Item interactivity almost finished, depending on how fast it takes to implement all of the levels.

    • April 30: The experience is finished, just adding the finishing touches/bug fixes.

    • May 7: Hopefully finished with a working game that doesn’t crash. (probably won’t happen)

  • What contingency plans do you have?

    Make a shoebox diorama and have people use their imaginations.

  • What is the bare minimum you would consider a success?

        A fun and interesting environment that people can walk through and enjoy.



  • Hub

  • Petra/Angkor Wat


  • Taizhou

  • Egypt – Pyramid


  • Petra

    • Scroll deciphering

    • Open Sesame to open big tomb door

    • ???

    • Profit

    • Genie Lamp

  • Egypt

    • Choose the right canopic jars and place them in order on a pedestal.

    • Tomb is revealed

    • Open sarcophagus with ultrahuman strength?

  • Taizhou

    • Hidden object in a painting, object hidden behind the painting

    • PAINTING PUZZLES!!!!11!!1!!!!!

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About klmitchell2

Kevin Mitchell is an undergraduate at UW-Madison studying Computer Science. He is currently working on a project integrating a Leap Motion controller with a ZSpace screen. He expects this to increase the users ability to manipulate an object in 3d space. During his free time Kevin enjoys exploring everything that has to do with web development. He is hoping to find a career that will both fit his love for technology and design.