Week 2 Readings

For class 2/05/13
Post Comments by 11:59 pm on 2/03/13

The Ultimate Display
by Ivan Sutherland, 1965
comments by Bruce Sterling, 2009

A head-mounted three dimensional display
Ivan E. Sutherland

What’s Real About Virtual Reality?
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Please print out these articles and bring them with you to class on Tuesday for discussion.  Alternatively, you can bring digital version of the reading with you.


Post 1: The Ultimate Display

Bruce Sterling lists a number of present day technologies which match the concepts which Sutherland was describing.  What do you believe was the most influential of these developed technologies?

What do you think of how Slater ends the article?  Why do you think Sutherland choose to use such menacing imagery?

Can you name another current technology which which matches Sutherland’s concepts but is not included in Sterling’s listings (and describe it in a few sentences and how it relates)?  If you can’t, write a paragraph about elaborating on how the technology Sterling points to in his article are still used today.

Post 2: A head-mounted three dimensional display
What technologies strike you as antiquated?  What technologies do you feel like are still present in today’s world?

What do you think of the two phenomena described in the results?  What could have helped mitigate these effects?

Finally, select a topic that you find interesting, dubious, confusing or curious and explain why.  Write at least a paragraph of explanation and add citations if warranted.

Post 3: What’s Real About Virtual Reality?
Do the examples of applications VR make sense to you?  Describe why or why not.  What other industries could you see benefit from this type of technology?

From the Hot open challenges section, select what challenge you believe has seen the most progress and which challenge has seen the least progress in the last decade.  Describe why you believe each of these are the case

What do you think of the breakdown Brooks makes between Four technologies are crucial for VR and the Four auxiliary technologies are important, but not nearly so crucial?  Do you agree with his breakdown?  What would be another technology that you could add to one of these two lists?