Assignment 2

This assignment is to warm us up to bringing models into the CAVE.  We will walk through everyone’s models in class on 2/21/13.  This assignment will consist of two steps.

More Information

  • Your model should be built so that we can walk around it in VR.  Therefore models should be at least room size.
  • Units matter in the CAVE.  Make sure your models are in meters.
  • The center of the CAVE is at (17’x17′) in our model loading program.  Not really sure why but if you want the user to start in the center of the CAVE offset your model by that amount
  • Make sure you bring all associated files (i.e. textures files) with you
  • The Trimble (aka Google) Warehouse is a good source of pre-built models.  If you use these models:
    • provide documentation of where you got the model
    • At least one object in the environment should be built by you

Due for class 2/14/13
Describe the environment you want to build (a few sentences) and have one piece of concept artwork (e.g. a photograph, a sketch, or an initial rendering of the environment you would like to create).  We will go around the room and present the ideas in class.

Due for class 2/21/13
Bring your model on to class on an external drive.  We will load up the models and walk through them in the CAVE.  Be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • What tools you used to make your model?
  • What object was the most difficult step in the process?
  • If you had more time what you would do next?

We will use OpenSceneGraph for our model loading.  A list of supported file formats can be found at:

Common formats that work well:
3ds, dae, dxf, ive, obj, ply, stl

For people using 3DS Max.  Here is a tutorial on how to bake lighting.  I encourage you to try it out


Week 3 Readings

For class 2/12/13
Post Comments by 11:59 pm on 2/10/13

 What it is like to see: A sensorimotor theory of perceptual experience
by O’Regan and Noe


What do you think of the idea of “feeling the presence of redness”?  Do you agree that this feeling can be described with second-order awareness?  Would it be possible to give a robot or AI the ability to feel the presence of redness?

What are you initial thoughts on the ideas presented for “change blindness”? For examples, you can watch a few examples from  In what ways do you see us being able to exploit this in VR applications?

While the authors mention machines, the focus for the article is on humans.  Do you think that a machine could have sensation, perception, and/or awareness? If so, describe with examples for each.  If not, describe why not for each.

Finally, find a topic that you interesting, dubious, or curious and explain why.  Write at least a paragraph of explanation and add citations if warranted.