Update: How to connect to the network drives

At WID (in case this doesn’t automount)

  1. Go to my computer
  2. Choose map a network drive
  3. Choose a letter and choose the folder \\lel-fs.morgridge.net\CAVE-Shared

For Windows

  1. VPN into WID (see here for details)
  2. Go to my computer
  3. Choose map a network drive
  4. Choose a letter and choose the folder \\lel-fs.morgridge.net\CAVE-Shared
  5. Enter your user name and password.
    For your user name, add  morgridge\ before your user name, e.g. morgridge\kponto

For OS X

  1. VPN into WID (see here for details)
  2. Connect to the samba mount: smb://lel-fs.morgridge.net.
    press command-k to connect.
  3. Enter your user name and password
  4. Mount CAVE-Shared

How to export an FBX

There is one major option you must enable when exporting FBX files for the CAVE. Make sure the version is FBX 2010 or below.  See the example figure

You can choose either Binary or Ascii in this menu.  If you have problems, ascii is esaier to debug but binary files are smaller and are self-contained.

If you want texture to also be included, make sure you have the embed media enabled

To play these files, you can use the Animation.py found in ds501\Resources\Animation\

This file currently contains the class, and loads the file as well for demo purposes (something you can get ride of).  The argument for the play command corresponds to the play modes documented in the Virtual Lab API (modes such as pingpong, once, loop, etc)



Reminder for Posting

Both the reading comments and group postings are due tonight.  If you are off campus you will need to VPN into campus or WID.  You can follow the directions in the previously sent email.  As a reminder

First, get the software for vpn by going to this site:


this will download the correct vpn software.  After you install it log into vpn.wid.wisc.edu using the previously sent name and password.


Remember to mark you dev lab time

First, mark your time on the LEL Dev Lab calendar.

 The calendar can be found here

This lets me know when you will be in so I can help you and good for us for record keeping.

Also mark you time in the file if you turn on the Dev Wall:

\\CAVE Shared\DEV_LAB_LOG.csv

add a line to the file that follows the format

[data], [time start], [time stop], and put [ds501] and [your group name]



Reading 11

 For class 4/23/13
Post Comments by 11:59 PM on Sunday 4/21/13

Are Driving Simulators Effective Tools for Evaluating Novice Drivers’ Hazard Anticipation, Speed Management, and Attention Maintenance Skills
Elsa Chan, Anuj K. Pradhan, Alexander Pollatsek, Michael A. Knodler,d and Donald L. Fishere


Discussion (pick 3)

  1. Comment on the quote from Evans 2004 about driving simulators.  Do you feel like this can be generalized for other behavior research? Do you feel like this criticism is true for all VR systems?
  2. Comment on the experiment.  What do you think was done well/ well thought out?  What would you change and/or add?
  3. Choose one of the questions in the discussion section (p.351).  Do you agree with the authors analysis?  Why or why not
  4. How would you use the results of this experiment to create better drivers? Describe an implementation you could see one creating.
  5. Find a topic that you interesting, dubious, or curious and explain why.



How to get/use OpenSceneGraph Viewer

There are several ways to get OpenSceneGraph Viewer.

Install VirtualLab

1. Install Virtual Lab.  Directions here.

2. Right click on your osg or ive file and choose open with.


3. Click the browse button

4. Navigate to Virtual Lab folder (e.g. ProgamFiles (x86)\Mechdyne\VirtualLab).  Go into the bin folder inside of the virtual lab folder.  There you should find a program called osgviewer.  Choose that.

From now on, you can simply double click on osg files and they will open in osg viewer.

Install OpenSceneGraph Windows

coming soon (the site to download OSG is currently down)

Install OpenSceneGraph OS X

coming soon (the site to download OSG is currently down)

How do I get the entity for the Wand, User, and the View?

user = VRScript.Core.Entity(‘User0’)
head = VRScript.Core.Entity(‘User0Head’)
wand = VRScript.Core.Entity(‘User0Hand’)

The user is entity for the capsule in the center of the CAVE meaning the physical position of the user is not accounted for.  The head is the entity where the head tracker is, so it does account the the physical position of the user and the viewing orientation.  The wand refers to entity for the wand device and can be swapped out if you don’t want the red beam.

How to Overwrite Your Old Sketchup Export

You may have noticed that when you try to save over top of your previous sketchup export that it opens the folder as opposed to saving.  There is a pretty simple work around, add “.py” to the name of your export.  For example

if I want to overwrite the KevinTest2 export, I simply type “KevinTest2.py” into the dialogue box.  This helps from needing to make lots of export folders and constantly changing launch locations.