How to Install the New Sketchup Plugin

Step 1
First install GIT on your machine.  You can find the appropriate version here if you don’t have it on your computer

When you install GIT, be sure to choose

when the this option appears.

Step 2
Install the sketchup plugin 

Step 3
Enable the sketchup plugin

  1. Choose Windows >> Preferences
  2. Enable the plugin

 Step 4

When you right click on an object, choose “LEL Properties”.  You should see a dialogue that looks like this


Reading 10

For class 4/16/13
Post Comments by 11:59 PM on Monday 4/15/13

The Use of Immersive Virtual Reality in the Learning Sciences: Digital
Transformations of Teachers, Students, and Social Context
Jeremy N. Bailenson and Nick Yee, Jim Blascovich and Andrew C. Beall, Nicole Lundblad, Michael Jin
Note: Now that comments are automatically approved, remember that it is not ok to plagiarize/steal others work.  However, if you would like to respond to other people’s comments, that would be perfectly acceptable.
Discussion (Pick 3)
  1. In the background Introduction section (pp. 103-111), choose a study that sounds interesting, odd, or strange to you.  Describe why.
  2. Do you think the results of these experiments would be different in a CAVE environment?  Why or why not.
  3. If you were going to do another experiment in this series, what would you want to study?  Briefly describe.
  4. Based on the results of these experiments, how would you design a virtual learning environment?
  5. Find a topic that you interesting, dubious, or curious and explain why.