Completed Unity Tutorial

This past week I went through some Unity tutorials and got a sample game working where the user controls a sphere and rolls around the scene, collecting cubes until they are all collected. I didn’t go through the tutorials I mentioned in the last post because I found what I thought was a more relevant set of tutorials, found here: . I figured since the ski slope simulation relies on an invisible ball rolling down a hill, this would be a more relevant tutorial as opposed to the first-person shooter game I mentioned last week. However, I might go through a few of those tutorials down the road as they did seem to cover some useful things.

Here is a screenshot of the Unity game:


For things to work on for next week, I am hoping to make a new (possibly larger) model for the mountain, import it into Unity, and get the sphere’s physics to properly respond to the mountain’s terrain. Also, I will hopefully get the project added to my github account

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About csuplinski

I am a fourth-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Computer Science, Astronomy-Physics, and Statistics. I currently work at the Space Science Data Center of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Building where I work on different web pages and computer programming projects.