Last week I was focused on making a function that would allow track the orientation of the stylus with position matrix. But while digging through the ZSpace SDK I noticed that VRPN supports ZSpace. This is really good news because now the stylus should work right away and we don’t need to worry about implementing a function that calculations the orientation of the wand. This week I will be attempting to tie all of the loose ends together and get the stylus fully functioning in the worldbuilder application.
A problem that I’ve come across is within the config file for Fiona. Since the Zspace is tilted at ~45 degree angle from the table, I need to calcuate where the x,y,z points are with respect to the screen and the angle in which it sits. The problems lies with in the config file, the format is: wall x y z width_x width_y width_z height_x height_y height_zThe wall is referring to the screen and how it is position. But when I run this I get nothing but a blank screen. It could be that my calculations are off (hopefully) or otherwise it will take some more digging to find the reason for this problem.
I don’t have much for pictures this week considering most of the tests are mostly code driven and don’t show much for outputs. But the image below represents x,y,z axis’ of a titled ZSpace screen.