Sorry for the late update this week. Exams and projects have preoccupied my time primarily.
Last week I was able to get the skeletal viewer code for the leap motion put into the worldbuilder application. This actually was a pretty painless process except now I the leap motion is not drawing the hand. I’ll be working on getting this problem resolved hopefully today or this weekend.
After that bug is fixed, I will work on getting gesture movements implemented like how I explained in my last post.
Since I dont have a picture or video to provide this week heres a link of some cool leap motions apps that just came out recently:
Update: Right now it seems that the leap motion and the Zspace dont get along. When I unplug the zspace the leap motion goes into the onFrame function (a function that is called every frame). Currently working on resolving this strange bug.
Update: Its working! Just had to plug the usb for the zspace into a different port. now the worldbuilder with leap motion integration are completely independent from the skeletalviewer!