More Obstacles Added & Working in Cave

This week I added some more jumps and obstacles for the mountain. I added a ring of fire to jump through, a larger tunnel, more trees, some giant candy canes, turned the smaller tunnel into a fireplace, and made a snowman model. I changed the lighting to give it more of a night-time appearance. We also got the project running in the cave and got shadows to render correctly.

I would add some screenshots for the project’s current state, but my laptop may have died and I am unable to do so right now.

Some things to work on for next week are making a smaller model for the Science Fest demo. This version would be divided into about 3 or 4 smaller sections of a mountain in which the user would choose which set of obstacles to ski through. One would be a ski jump, another would be a half-pipe, and the rest would be things of that nature. I will focus on the new layout until Science Fest. After that, I will return to the larger mountain which will have sort of a holiday theme.

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About csuplinski

I am a fourth-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Computer Science, Astronomy-Physics, and Statistics. I currently work at the Space Science Data Center of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Building where I work on different web pages and computer programming projects.