Oculus lib wrapped; survey review forthcoming

Built the bulk of a simple wrapper for the Oculus lib. Should make debugging faster. Needs a review pass for general organization / naming if I want to share with others, and I’ve still some questions on what happens when attaching to a window — I don’t see how the weird 2×2 of possible rendering states (direct or extended, distortion via lib or in app) is selected for, or how to test which state their tool is requesting, or what params to pass to which function in which of the four possible states. The docs don’t seem to have answers; their code might, or some quick tests should elucidate. Also should do something with their tracking.

But the end result is a lib that bottles up all the Oculus stuff, allowing bugs to be tested in isolation, and hopefully protecting other code from future lib changes.

Also sifting through a survey paper. Not quite ready for a writeup, yet.