Entry 9 – Conclusion

Just to cap things up for the semester, I would like to reflect on what I accomplished.

The good –

I think I gave a solid performance with respect to finalizing the Processing project I started a year ago. My experience with coding was very limited until I started doing this independent study. Now I am able to code and customize flocking algorithms and other creative code applications to generate interesting visual compositions. I developed three Processing sketches this semester using object-oriented programming. I see myself continuing to code for visual art and as a way of finding new ways to inspire my designs.

The bad –

I would say that I only accomplished about 50% of what I intended to do. I wanted to be able to visualize one of my projects using a real-time in-game engine. This is the type of skill that is becoming extremely useful in the age of virtual reality.While I modeled the basic shapes of all the blocks in the map below, I still needed to model the details and texture. I think I undertook a very big project in that respect. The next steps would have involved merging all of the scenes together to create the map

block-1 block-2 block-3 block-4 block-5 block-6 block-7 block-8 block-9

The Future –

It is my intention to continue learning Unity and to create an interactive architectural visualization that would allow the user to have predefined views of the building with the context of the city and also walk around in first-person. It is also my goal to find ways to use Processing sketches as concepts for architectural form creation. My idea is to be to export sketches in image, lines form or mesh forms and be able to visualize them in 3D programs and use as inspiration for further design.

As I have said before, I have learned a lot doing this and there’s still a lot I want to do.

Thanks for everything.