Building Code

I’m in the middle of building some c++ openGL foundational stuff. I expect it to be done in a week, week-and-a-half.

The goal is to have something lightweight for quick prototyping, without disrupting the lab’s main codebase. Exotic input (Leap, Kinect) and data (large pointclouds) may not make it into the initial version, but the goal is for clear paths to add them.

I also looked into:
– streaming from various mobile video sources: found some android source, vague indications RaspberryPi can be used with effort, but no clear guarantees of performance
– ways to rig passive steadycam / gimbals: found three main designs (an inverted “U”, gyroscope-style with a T-bar, and a “bow + pendulum”), but there are some questions as to where one wants the center of mass. It makes me want to rig simple simulations to decide if different designs do what we need.

I don’t have enough organized thoughts on these for a writeup here, but may dump some links into the google doc.