DS999 Week Three (Exploring Web Based AR)

Weekly accomplishments:
This week I continued my research on what has already been studied in the space of Augmented Reality and found numerous studies and articles regarding the use of AR in immersive art experiences and brand awareness.

Here are some examples: When art meets tech: The role of augmented reality in enhancing museum experiences and purchase intentions – ScienceDirect

When art meets tech: The role of augmented reality in enhancing museum experiences and purchase intentions | Elsevier Enhanced Reader

(PDF) Effects Of Guerrilla Marketing On Brand Awareness And Consumers’ Purchase Intention (researchgate.net)

I also found a great open-source platform called AR.js studio that has a drag and drop style user interface, which is great to get started, I also got my GitHub reconnected to be able to start smaller experiments.

The studio seems to be stuck on the loading screen when I tried a small test, so I’ll need to try it out on a different computer or download the package to upload it to GitHub myself, but this is getting a bit ahead of schedule.

Future work:
This week I’ll be continuing to smooth out my workflow from AR.js studio to publishing, as well as reading through all the information in the articles I found.