Obstacles for Holiday Demo

This week I worked on separating the obstacles from the original mountain model and placed them into the terrain. I also worked on smoothing the terrain a bit more. I looked into making the impostors more realistic by changing the shaders, but that did not help the cause. Right now the impostors still have the issue of shadows popping up when the user gets close, dramatic difference in appearance, and the trees/candy canes tilting slightly. If I can get the meshes and impostors to look similar enough, I might just make the trees along the path real meshes and have the rest be impostors, so there can be some collision detection.

Here are some screenshots of the game:

001 002

For next week, I will be looking into generating the terrain via heightmap, since that will make it easier to generate a smoother hill. Also, I will try to find some references for the ski mountain paper and add them into the Latex project. I will keep investigating the impostors as well to try to make them more realistic.

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About csuplinski

I am a fourth-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Computer Science, Astronomy-Physics, and Statistics. I currently work at the Space Science Data Center of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Building where I work on different web pages and computer programming projects.