Working on Research Paper

This week I found a few sources for the research paper. One source was particularly relevant since it was a study on the relation between motor skills and a different ski simulator design. I also added a few more tunnels to the holiday demo. I chose not to do the heightmap I mentioned last week as the mountain seemed pretty good after a little bit more smoothing. Also, as a potential solution to the impostor issues, I thought of possibly adding fences to keep the user from getting too close to the impostors and have the impostors draw all the time, that way we would avoid any shader issues.

Here is a screenshot of the tunnels I added:


For next week I will work on adding/editing the research paper and possibly adding some statistical analysis to the report. I might look into making bootstrap confidence intervals for each of the observations. Also, I might make some more models/obstacles for the holiday demo.

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About csuplinski

I am a fourth-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Computer Science, Astronomy-Physics, and Statistics. I currently work at the Space Science Data Center of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Building where I work on different web pages and computer programming projects.