Oculus Rift is free on Unity (but fidgity)

Oculus released a new thing that works with the free version of Unity. It provides a camera that can be dropped into any scene to make it Rift-friendly.

– old apps (including the official Unity demo) flicker like crazy — it looks like every other frame is black (which makes things too dark — taking the Rift off is like stepping out of a dim cave)
– new apps (ones I make myself) have a weird oscillating “double vision” effect, with the distance between the two images increasing with head movement speed (this makes me a little sick if I focus on it)
– there’s what looks like a screen-tear seam in the right fourth of the right eye (this is probably minor)
– importing assets from Sketchup has yet to be successful (it looks like you have to do something weird for textures, and I haven’t done it right yet)

The second one is the biggest problem; there are rumors of fixes online (forcing DX11, or turning off timewarp), but neither seemed to work.

I’ve also tried Unreal, which claims it’s building a Rift-capable exe, but on execution it doesn’t seem to notice the Rift.

Both are pretty undocumented, as regards Rift integration.

Shelving them for now; maybe they’ll fix themselves while I do other things.

Going to look at painting pointclouds next, I think.