ACTON Rocket Skates – Assignment 3

The Product

The Rocket is a motorized roller skate that straps to either sides of your shoes and can move at speeds of 12 mph. Depending on the model, they can run for up to 90 minutes, and they take about the same amount of time to recharge.

        Rocket skates also offers a smartphone app that displays info such as battery life, miles travelled, suggested routes and speed. They app also have a couple of social features that connect the user of the roller skate.

         In case you want to buy one, they are pre-ordering on the website with prices that vary from $499 on the simplest model to $699 on the most robust model.


Why I selected it?

I selected this product because when I was a child I used to see this kind of motorized roller skate on cartoons, and always wanted to have one, when I saw this video on the internet my first reaction was to look for more information about it.

 My Opinion

I think that it’s a really nice product. The main problem for me is the battery life of just 90 minutes on the most expensive version of the product and that it requires a little bit of practice to use.