Links from class presentations

LED Shirts


Fish Lightening

Light Programming Microcontrollers

WaterProof USB

Quantum Tunnelling Composite

Magnetic Switches



Example Quiz Questions

Here are example questions for the quiz on Tuesday.  Email Kevin or Emelia if you want to check your answers.  We will answer questions sent before 5pm Monday October 21.  You can download a pdf file of the example questions here.


Project Pitch

Present a roughly 5 minute concept that explores your idea for final project.  This is meant to be more of a brainstorming session to think through possibilities for final projects. We will have a more formal project pitch in a few weeks when groups and and projects are decided.

Items that you should include in your presentation:

  • A description of the what you would like to do
  • A description of materials you intend to use
  • A description of what an ideal result would be
  • A list of what you know how to do
  • A list of what you think you know how to do
  • A list of thing you don’t know how to do


Use images/video of inspiration concepts and/or sketches of your own to illustrate your idea, if you can.

If you hope to work in a group, prepare a recruiting pitch.

If you have more than one idea, bring them all. Some ideas may be more developed than others. We can brainstorm in class to help you arrive at one you’d like to pursue.

Sensor Task Requirements

Develop a reaction for two or more sensors that utilize the sound, buzzer or LEDs as a response. You can choose between the button, the light sensor, the temperature sensor or the “touch sensor” described at The sensors do not need to be integrated with each other.

Assignment 1: Find something that interests you in wearable computing

For our first assignment we will have you find something that interests you in wearable computing.  This will help us as a class understand what types of things people are enthusiastic about.  Post in the comments below a link to a video, paper, article or website.  Be prepared to give a short informal presentation on Tuesday during class.  The presentation need not be long, but things you may want to mention:

  • What it is
  • Why you choose it
  • How it works
  • What it would inspire you do
  • How it could be made better

The only rule for choosing an item is that you can’t choose something someone else has already selected.

Note: To post comments you need to be logged into the website.  You can only log via campus IP addresses.  If you are off campus, you will need to use VPN.  You can find information about VPN here (  Please email if you have issues

Things to get for class

  • Lilypad (from the bookstore behind the counter)
  • Micro-USB (from DoIT)
  • Fabric- (different textures and fiber content, this can be from goodwill or scrap bins and prefabricated or new)
  • Sketchpad (from the bookstore or other)
  • Fabric Marker (something that will show up on your fabric)
  • Needle Threader (from a fabric store)
  • Embroidery hoop (from a fabric store)
  • Something to hold your supplies