Posts are Due Sunday

We are going to make posts due Sunday night as to allow people to include weekend progress on their posts.  Make sure to be thorough about  your progress for the week and the things left to be done.  Also again add lots of pictures.  Many of you did a great job using pictures to showcase your work.  This is a great way to accomplish two things at once.


Poster Guidelines

For class on the morning of Friday December 13th please have a pdf file that includes these items in a poster format

Your Name(s)

Name of the Project

  • Include a link to the project page on the class website


  • What the project is intended to do. (One Sentence.)

Inspiration Images

  • Images from other projects/designs/ideas that motivated you to undertake this project.
  • Cite where they came from.

Project Description (Bullet Point List)

  • Why you felt this was important to design
  • Why is your project unique
  • Examples of how your project could be used
  • Where this project could go in the future

Images of the Final Project

  • Make them nice

Posting Reminder

Remember posts are going to be due Sunday this week, but they need to be extra good.  That means you should make sure you have more than one image and an extensive  description of your progress this week.

Also remember to TAG YOUR POSTS with your project name.

Project Update Posting Structure

For the weekly update posts, please address the following questions:

  • What did you do this week? [Include image(s)]
  • Describe the problems you encountered
  • Describe the successes you had
  • Are you on schedule?
  • What do you plan to do next week?


By midnight tonight, you should have two project posts. The first post is a description of your project, and the second post should be a status/progress report.  Be sure to tag your posts in the Projects category.  I will make a new category for your project after your first post.

Also, Justin Anderson from WARF will be in class in Tuesday.  Be sure to think through any questions about intellectual property you would like to ask him.

Example Quiz Questions

Here are example questions for the quiz on Tuesday.  Email Kevin or Emelia if you want to check your answers.  We will answer questions sent before 5pm Monday October 21.  You can download a pdf file of the example questions here.