All posts by kponto

Assignment 4

Due: For Class October 7th, 2014

Pitch a project that you think someone should do (not necessarily you).  Make a post in which you describe:

  • why you think this project should be done
  • what challenges you see in this project

Also include one piece of concept art.  This art could be a sketch, a photo, a video, and so on.

In class you will make this pitch to the rest of the class.  Remember to think big and not worry about the practicality of what you present.  You don’t need to know how to do or make what you pitch.  Just choose something that you think would be a beneficial to have made.

Choose the Assignments for the posting category.

The Map Function

Here is a function that may be useful for many of the projects.

map(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh)

Here is a diagram of how this function works


The function takes a value that is in the range of fromHigh to fromLow.  It then remaps the value to toHigh to toLow.

One very nice applicatin of this technique is for remapping analog input to analog output.

void loop()
int val = analogRead(0);
val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogWrite(9, val);
Another interesting aspect of this function is that it allows us to flip the lows and highs as shown in the diagram below.

map2This may be really useful for items such as the RGB LED that work by driving a signal low.

Lecture on Thursday

On Thursday, Artist Laura Anderson Barbata will give a talk to students interested in hearing more about her upcoming Spring 2015 UW Arts Institute Interdisciplinary Arts Residency.  The talk will be at 4:30 so we will start our class there.

PreWork Project

Due: By the end of class 10/16

Your prework project should:

  • Demonstrate the use of conductive stitching
  • Show two forms of output
  • Show two form of input
  • Combine these items together for an integrated design

Make a post in the Prework category with the following format:

Description: What does your prework project do?

Inputs:  What inputs did you use?

Outputs: What outputs did you use?

Video: Create a video which demonstrates the complete functionality of project (i.e. shows all input/output interactions)


Assignment 3

Due: Before Class on September 25th

Find a project that deals with wearable computing and post a link.   These projects can either be research papers, kickstarters, blog posts and so on.

Format your post as follows:

1:  Post a link to the reference material.  
These can either be

  1. A link to a research paper (PDF)
  2. A blog post which describes the work (link)
  3. A video which describes the work (Video Embed)

2: A brief description of the project.

Please include:

  • A description of what this project does
  • Why you selected it
  • How well you think the project accomplishes its objectives

Label your post in the Assignments categories.


How is this different from Assignment 2?

In Assignment 2 videos just needed to be related to the field.  This means that videos could be conceptual, as in Tom’s post.  However, for this assignment videos would need to be of a project (i.e. it really exists).  An example of a post which would work for both Assignment 2 and 3 would come from Eric’s post.

Arduino Language Reference

Here is a link for the functions of the arduino programming language.


Control Structures

Further Syntax

Arithmetic Operators

  • = (assignment operator)
  •  (addition)
  •  (subtraction)
  • * (multiplication)
  • / (division)
  • % (modulo)

Comparison Operators

  • == (equal to)
  • != (not equal to)
  • < (less than)
  • > (greater than)
  • <= (less than or equal to)
  • >= (greater than or equal to)

Boolean Operators

  • && (and)
  • || (or)
  • ! (not)

Pointer Access Operators

Bitwise Operators

  • & (bitwise and)
  • | (bitwise or)
  • ^ (bitwise xor)
  • ~ (bitwise not)
  • << (bitshift left)
  • >> (bitshift right)

Compound Operators

  • ++ (increment)
  •  (decrement)
  • += (compound addition)
  • -= (compound subtraction)
  • *= (compound multiplication)
  • /= (compound division)
  • &= (compound bitwise and)
  • |= (compound bitwise or)



Data Types


Variable Scope & Qualifiers



Digital I/O

Analog I/O

Due only

Advanced I/O




Random Numbers

Bits and Bytes

External Interrupts



USB (Leonardo and Due only)