This week
- Completed my first attempt at sewing a jacket (see above)
- Ordered: Fabric, pulse sensor, LEDs, LED string lights
By midnight tonight, you should have two project posts. The first post is a description of your project, and the second post should be a status/progress report. Be sure to tag your posts in the Projects category. I will make a new category for your project after your first post.
Also, Justin Anderson from WARF will be in class in Tuesday. Be sure to think through any questions about intellectual property you would like to ask him.
We got the gloves. (Thanks Jessica)
We ordered these parts:
– Bluetooth Mate Silver $39.95
– QTC $14 (Thanks Nathan)
– Serial Enabled 16×2 LCD – White on Black 5V (for testing purpose)$24.95
– wires $5
– Battery $1.5
– All the materials are estimated to be arrived by Wed Nov 6th.
– We will test our code on UNO for this week.
– We have to fugue out something for flexible screen/LED
– We will put the sensors and wires inside the glove liners.
– Next week we will work on the signaling part (with QTC)
This forearm band is to measure physical activity while swimming laps. LEDs are turned on and accumulated as the workout goes longer.
The Nike Fuelband is the main inspiration for the project, except since that product is not waterproof, that is where this project takes over.
Project Materials and Cost
fabric – $15
accelerometer – $15
lilypad – $60
waterproofing resin – $20
waterproof USB – $15
Backup Plan
Put entire electronic housing in waterproof pouch if resin system fails.
A scarf that functions as your typical scarf would with the addition of a light up component for safety after dusk.
Hani Rashid:
Architect that creates luminous buildings focusing mostly on organic shapes.
Materials and Costs:
Yarn: $30 dollars
Lily Tiny: $75 dollars
Nov 9: Loom in process of being threaded
Nov 13: Scarf will be completely woven
Nov 15: Begin application of LilyTiny’s
Nov 22: Begin coding process for alternating pattern on scarf
Nov 29: Perform final touches for the coding side
Nov 30: Have scarf finished
Back Up Plan:
Sew less LilyTiny’s on, if there is not enough power to turn them all on.
Statement of Purpose:
The intended outcome for this project is to create an 18th century-style gown that is designed to look like a lightning storm. Lighting and electronics will be incorporated in a more subtle and comprehensive manner in order to surprise the viewer with the full function of the piece. I would also like to incorporate a performance aspect, where the intensity of the “storm” is influenced by the gestures and movement of the wearer.
Project Materials:
Project Steps:
Concepts to Master:
Proposed Calendar:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Weeks 6-8
Inspiration – Combining elements for some of the following existing products:
Materials and Costs
Concept Art
Backup Plan