Synesthesia in VR

Project Description: Synesthesia is a peculiar neurological phenomenon where ” stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway” (Wikipedia). For some people when they hear a sound they see a color(Chromesthesia). Or people can sense a certain taste when they hear words(Lexical-gustatory synesthesia). So the goal of this project is to recreate some of the experiences that synesthetes have to explore this interesting psychology. A few types of synesthesia would work really well with VR. Chromesthesia, Spatial sequence synesthesia (seeing numerical sequences as points in space), Number form(thinking numbers causes a mental map of the numbers), and Spatio-temporal synesthesia(similar to number form but it’s a visual mapping of days, week,months, years, like a calendar). The user will be given an audio and visual, sensory substitutional VR experience.
Project Type: Experience

Interest: This is a project I would like to do.

Device(s) to Be Used: HTC Vive/Oculus Rift

Things I Know How To Do: Some of animations and graphics in Unity

Things I Would Need Help With: Linking the sound to the animations of color.