Reading 6

For class 10/25/16
Post Comments by 11:59 pm on 10/23/16

Disney’s Aladdin: first steps toward storytelling in virtual reality
Randy Pausch, Jon Snoddy, Robert Taylor, Scott Watson, Eric Haseltine

Towards a model for a virtual reality experience: the virtual subjectiveness
N Parés, R Parés


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Discussion Article 1 (Pick 3, write 1 paragraph for each)

  1. Do you feel like storytelling in VR has evolved to the author’s hope?  If why, what do you think has slowed it’s growth.  If yes, descibe examples that you think show this evolution.
  2. Are you surprised by the lack of head rotation?  What did you think contributed most to this result?  Would you expect the same type of head rotation profile in the CAVE?
  3. Which of the general observations do you find most useful for trying to design a project?  In what ways could you use this insight for your project?
  4. In the survey, pick either a result the you found interesting or a question you found curious and briefly discuss.  Do you think it made sense to present the results grouped by gender?
  5. Do you feel like the research challenges are still relevant or have been solved?  Choose one of the  challenges that you think would be interesting to try to explore.  Discuss one idea of how you might start to attempt to undertake this challenge.

Discussion Article 2 (pick 3, write 1 paragraph for each)

  1. The authors present another view on virtual reality.  Compare and contrast this with one of the previous definitions we have looked at in class (or another view you have found externally).  How would you define VR?
  2. Do you agree with breakdown between MM and VR?  Why are why not? Do you agree that there is a continuum between the two?
  3. How do you feel about the idea of non 1:1 mappings of physical and virtual environments described on page 531?   Do you agree with the authors premise?  If so, in what kinds of applications could you foresee this being useful?  If not, in what kinds of problems do you foresee this type of mapping having?
  4. What do you think of the breakdown of VS?  Do you agree with the authors segmentation in Figure 10?  In what ways would you equate or differentiate it to the ideas of presence we have discussed in earlier classes?
  5. Do you agree with the authors that VS was far superior for “Pirates” over “Hercules”?  If not, describe why.  If you do, describe what “Hercules” could have done to better its VS
  6. Find a topic that you interesting, dubious, or curious and explain why.