Project Description:
The goal of this project is to create a virtual meeting place where two individuals in VR will be able to meet and be able to talk to each other in virtual environment. It requires transmission of real-time tracking data about both user’s body movements as well as facial expression and lip movements. I feel we can use Microsoft Kinect to track body movements and project it using a default avatar. Or every user will be photographed before using this application and that can be used as an avatar in VE. The difficult part I feel is the face tracking.
Project Type:
This is a project that I would like to do
Device(s) to Be Used:
HTC Vive/Oculus Rift and Microsoft Kinect
Things I Know How To Do:
Never worked on VR/graphics project before but have a good understanding of computer programming and using APIs. Know how to create a communication link.
Things I Would Need Help With:
Tracking face and projecting lip movement.