Flight Simulator 27/11 Updates

Danny has developed the wingsuit equation

First attempt: (this one doesn’t work, the camera will eventually fly toward sky)


Second attempt:


Danny and Li have implemented the equations into Unity, binded to arrow keys.

Li modified the scene, made the mountain higher, so that the player will have enough time to enjoy the game.

Next step:


Li and Danny will (1) integrate headset’s viewport matrix into the codes, (2) change the keyboard control into 2 iPhones.

Danny has ordered a stretch band to link two hands of the player. This will be used to prevent the fatigate of holding arms with two iPhones attached. It will also limit the degree of freedom of the player’s hand, thus reduce noise of input.

Next Step Mel:


  • Fix camera problem so it follows the plane correctly (or cockpit)
  • add audio files to the plane (for planes movement)
  • Give audio controls of what the user should do
  • Figure out what to do about hitting a mountain (land, do nothing except move around it, have audio saying something, or crash)