12/7 RPG Update

What each individual in the group worked on over the last week

  • Amarah – Finished intro scene/level to the game, debugged game.
  • Matt – Completed first level and got a start on working on battle system.
  • Skyler – Helped to program first level and object interaction.
  • Mais – Finalized story and outcomes, now working on creating in-game dialogues.

A description of the accomplishments made

  • Amarah – Finished first level, debugged issues with First Person Controller, added more terrain to the firt level, adjusted colors and graphic details.
  • Matt – Figured out how to program a battle system and interaction between scripts, finished game play blueprints for all 3 levels.
  • Skyler –  Helped Matt with creating battle system and starting on puzzles
  • Mais-Editing and recording in-game speech clips.

A description of the problems encountered

  • Amarah – Was having a large time-consuming issue with the FPS not working. Eventually realized that I was using the wrong camera rig for the intro scene. Also trying to figure out how to transition from intro level into the first level smoothly – learning more about object interaction in Unity right now.
  • Matt- Making scripts interact with each other because game objects are still a huge learning curve.
  • Skyler- Making scripts interact with each other because game objects are still a huge learning curve.
  • Mais – Lost intial storyboard because phone was reformatted and lost all images, had to recreate it.

Plans for the upcoming week

  • Amarah- Help Matt figure out how to program the first puzzle, get started on the 3 different ending scenes.
  • Matt- Work on all 3 puzzles and get those working before the presentation.
  • Skyler– Work on all 3 puzzles and get those working before the presentation.
  • Mais – Complete dialogue and implement them within the game.

At least one piece of media related to your work

Video of the intro:

