Project Description: This project is aiming at creating a GeoGuessr ( in VR. GeoGuessr is a game which put you in a random place in the world and let you guess where you are. You can view the scene around you by pictures from google maps. I want do the same thing in VR. This is a great simple game which let you explore the world. It is a lot of fun to play with your friends.
Project Type: This project will be a game and also a journey that takes you all over the world.
Interest: I am interested in doing this.
Device(s) to Be Used: This can be done in Vive, Rift or Phone. I think it can also finish in Cave but that requires too much work.
Things I Know How To Do: I have experience in mobile development but I know nothing about VR development.
Things I Would Need Help With: Have to build models and show pictures in VR.