11/9 Update

  • This week: We met to flesh out our story idea and begin working with the Hololens. Due to this being the first week, most of the work has been shared. Each group member has worked on two things:
    • Contributed to story ideas
    • Began setup of and initial work with the Hololens.
  • Accomplishments: We have decided on a new direction for our project. In thinking about how to represent our original ideas based around synesthesia, we became more interested in the affordances of mixed reality and the Hololens. We brainstormed on this and did some research on the Hololens. This led us to change directions and finalize on an escape game based VR experience. We are currently nailing down what story idea for the escape game we should go ahead with. We were also able to download an asset from the Unity store and have it show on the Hololens.
  • Problems encountered: We have questions about how the Hololens detects collision and occlusion. We are interested in potentially creating a laser maze and we have several questions about how to make that work. We are also thinking about the amount of effort that might go into having a graphic intensive solution and whether or not that would be feasible given the time we have.
  • Plans for the upcoming week: We have two scheduled meetings to work this week on building our project. We will finalize (and start building) our story ideas, partially based on what models we are able to find for Unity.