Space Elevator: Final Post

Describe the operation of your final project. What does it do and how does it work?   Our project was planned as a space elevator and time travel simulator. Users would start in the future in space. In operation it was a scientifically accurate high resolution model of the Earth […]

Eco Nut: Final Post

Video Link:     Describe the operation of your final project. What does it do and how does it work? It is a VR game that aims to serve as a tool to raise environmental awareness. Most of environmental games are typically designed to visualize energy saving efforts players make […]

Team Exploring Interfaces – Final Post

    What does your project do, and how does it work? We’ve built a an experiment-in-a-game, allowing people to test different input devices by playing 4-second minigames displayed in the Oculus Rift.  The minigames require participants to complete four atomic tasks: selecting, moving, and rotation objects in the virtual […]

Team Object – Final Post

Final results, from Team Object!   Public project pitch poster:   Question Responses:   What does your project do, and how does it work? Our project is a hide-and-seek based game we call Object Encounter.  It consists of 4 players, where one player is a hunter, who searches for the […]

Final Class Assignments

For the end of class we will have two last items for you to do: Item #1: Final Project Post First, upload an image of your poster.  Alternatively you can upload a video of your project in action. Next answer these questions in your post: Describe the operation of your […]

Poster Template

Here’s the link for the poster template, in PPTX format. Let me know if you can’t access it.

Questions for Today’s Class

Who do we advertise our showcase to? What do we write about the showcase? Should be have food and snacks? Where should groups be positioned?  

Poster Guidelines

For Saturday’s Showcase event I would like each group to create a poster to help quickly convey information about the project. Each poster should contain: The name of the project The names of the members of group The motivation for the project A description of how users interact with the […]

Space Elevator, week 6

Individual Efforts: B: Fixed navMeshAgent script issue with camping way points. There was a large difference between the collided sizes and the agent was getting stuck inside the way point and triggering too many on hit events. Scaled NASA data so it would work better with Unity. The Earth now […]