An object for steam tracking
Project Description:
The goal of this project is to make a phone case that can be tracked with the Vive’s tracking hardware. The user will be able to attach this case to their phone and use the phone with the tracking hardware. This would enable a couple of things. First of all, additional users could be added to the Vive’s virtual environment. Users could use google cardboard (or google daydream, now) in combination with this tracker to make a VR headset with the Vive’s accuracy on their phone while being able to use the vive controllers as well. Users could also use this without Google cardboard as a screen into the world the Vive headset user is experiencing. This would be nice if you wanted a friend to see what you’re doing without the cost of buying another headset. This would enable the phone to be used as another Vive controller as well. The phone has a few buttons, a touchscreen, a speaker, and a vibration motor, all which can be used to extend the Vive experience. Lastly, you could probably use the phone’s camera and the tracking to do some cool environment capturing, but I haven’t thought about that too much.
Project Type:
I work at a software company doing a lot of mobile sensor applications. I enjoy working with mobile devices and VR. I also am interested in Electronics and 3d printing stuff (both of which will probably be needed for this).
Device(s) to be Used:
Vive, Steam tracking hardware (if we can get our hands on it). 3D-printer. (My dad has one he’d probably let me use).
Things I know how to do:
I know how to design electronics and 3d print stuff. I could also handle the networking to have the computer communicate with the phone so that they can both ‘share’ a world.
Things I Would Need Help With:
I need help getting my hands on Valve’s open hardware kit, and I might need some help using it for what I want.