Project Timeline

Workflow: GitHub, Slack

Meetings: WID

Prep for Sunday: Come up with 2-3 story and draft ideas

11/6 –  6-8 pm: Project meeting

Agenda: Decide on story ideas, draft design plan

11/9 –  6-8 pm: Project work time

Agenda: Start building in Unity

11/13 – 6-8 pm: Project work time

Agenda: Building

11/16 – 6-8 pm: Project work time

Agenda: Building

11/20 –  6-8 pm: Project work time

Agenda: Building

11/22 – 4-6 pm: Project work time — First prototype ready

Agenda: Finish prototype


11/27 – Potential work day

11/30 – 5-7pm: Project work time

12/4 – 6-8pm: Project work time

12/7 – 5-7pm: Project work time — Second prototype ready

12/11 – 5-7pm: Project work time

12/13: Project due

Deliverables: weekly posts on the blog, final post, in class presentation, each of us will email individually about our experience