VR Surgery Timeline


We’ve split the project up into 4 parts: Phone, Environment Simulation and Integration. Each member will be responsible for a different part.  We plan to finish each part semi-independently, and then combine them all at the end.

Part1-Phone: [Josh]

  1. Tag Tracking on Phone – Week 1
  2. Tag Tracking on Vive – Week 2
  3. Phone GUI – Week 3
  4. Networking for position updates – Week 4

Part2 – Environment: [Dustin]

  1. Surgery Suite Design – Week 1
  2. Surgery Tools, Surgery Workflow – Week 2
  3. Interactions and sound – Week 3

Part3 – Simulation:  [Haixiang]

  1. Simulation Initialization – Week 1
  2. Networking for transferring simulation data – Week 1
  3. Enable Interaction – Week 2
  4. Stitching – Week 2
  5. Cutting Planning and Animation – Week 3

Part4 – Integration and Debugging: [ALL]

  1. Integrate different unique parts together [Week 4-6]
  2. Debug [Week4 – 6]
  3. Tweak Performance [Week 6]


Media: http://nathanmitchell.graphics/publications/gridiron/