Project Description: The project I propose involves a prior released famous movie re-created in VR but which allows the user to play as one of the characters in the movie. The creator of the VR movie world could have a certain set of (popular) characters as those that can be enacted by the user, instead of them playing out their actual movie roles. What the user could do with each character could be limited to a certain set of choices, and each choices that the user makes affects the ending of the movie. The ending could thus be different from that of the original movie.
For example, consider Star Wars : Attack of the Clones. The user could choose to play as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the VR world. The user gets to experience everything Kenobi does in the original movie like saber fights, exploring planets etc. At certain crucial points within the movie, the user also gets to decide what Kenobi should do from a fixed set of choices (this set also includes what Kenobi originally does in the movie). The ending of the movie depends on all the choices the user makes throughout this VR movie experience. Each user can thus get to actually experience the movie with a personal touch.
Project Type: Experience
Interest: I would not be interested in doing this myself, but is a good idea for possibly a film studio to pick up.
Device(s) to Be Used: HTC Vive/CAVE
Things I Know How To Do: All programming aspects
Things I Would Need Help With: All design-related tasks and tasks involving modifying the story to accommodate an external user