2nd Weekly Project Posting – Moral Coders (11/17)

November 17th Posting – The Moral Coders

What each individual in the group worked on over the last week

  • Caroline
    • I continued to work on tutorial familiarizing myself with Unity.
    • I began to develop the terrain for our project and worked on adding textures + normal maps to create more realistic detail.
  • Tony
    • I helped others with setting up the project for collaboration;
    • I’ve tried more VR (Tilt Brush…) to check out possible controls in our project;
    • I posted this; I read few tutorials on how to use HTC Vive input with Unity;
    • Together we discussed and prepared the scenario.
  • Galen
    • Collaboration debugging
    • Experimented with creating environments and exploring them with a first person controller
    • Added collision detection and mass to models (physics!)
    • Debugged loading unity model into HTC Vive
  • Frank
    • Asset hunting
    • Experimentation and practice via an assortment of available Lynda tutorials
    • Acquisition of 3D modeling/animation utilities (3ds max, maya) normally only available for exorbitant cost

A description of the accomplishments made

  • After the reading n.9 we discussed and finally agreed on the basic scenario.
  • We finished a plan for the next week.
  • We set up the project with environment (including ground, grass, hills, trees, road and car) and shared it among our group

A description of the problems encountered

  • We struggled with the collaboration tool as it was not uploading/updating everyone’s work creating some conflict within our project.
  • We had to spend some time to set up the HTC; it was not working when we got to the lab. Problem was the Oculus was plugged in instead and also we had to run the Steam VR as administrator.
  • Tony – Unity mixed up projects on my computer, I had to delete them and check out from cloud again

Plans for the upcoming week

  • Caroline
    • Continue to develop the environment and create specific scene for the final project
  • Tony
    • Work on the coding/inputs to load into the Vive controllers for the decision-making.
    • Schedule additional times in the lab to work.
    • Create the weekly blog post
  • Galen
    • Create car and work on script for car movement
  • Frank
    • Find/create people crossing the street
    • Figure out how to animate the people as well as give them behaviors that will make them seem lifelike


  • 15110925_10211129812306940_6801880909167514450_o
  • https://youtu.be/4g41vo3m8Fs?list=PL_Bst4odgT5yu1hugMax4jRL6Z_GkOIZG