Since forming the team two weeks ago we’ve met out of class once, during which Mickey laid out the work so far. We discussed structure, future design, and first steps, but were stymied by a lack of capable desktop computers.
Guessing at a timeline for this project is going to be hard. So far we’ve been making very good pace on what seemed to be hard tasks; its not clear whats going to cause lots of trouble. There are three broad features to this project, which we call reading, writing, and running (referring to code.) Here’s a list of tasks we laid out today.
- Long Term
- Writing- editing and saving changes
- Running- hooking the debugger, translate changes in objects to animations
- Short Term
- Composition
- Figure out how scaling works
- Figure out how nested objects should render and when they should stop
- Create an input that can change scaling
- Scope
- Given full tree and a position in the tree figure out where to “fold” nodes. Useful for classes, lists, etc
- Make an input that can fold scope
- Design
- List
- Tuples
- Classes
- Reintegrate VR! Use the Vive controllers for input.
- Composition
Given the progress so far we minimally expect reading to be done by the end of the class. Anything on top of that would be delightful.
- Created a metaprogrammer to write c++ implementation of native python AST classes
- Designed basic animation workflow
- Toyed with physics models for organizing our floating boxes
- Got access to the lab!
The biggest problem this week was getting access to the right computers to work on the project, since Ken and Logan don’t have desktops. Hopefully this is resolved after today.