Explorer 11/16 Update
What each individual in the group worked on over the last week: We all spent time together in capturing 360 videos, uploading them to facebook, 360fly director, oculus video. We […]
What each individual in the group worked on over the last week: We all spent time together in capturing 360 videos, uploading them to facebook, 360fly director, oculus video. We […]
For class 11/22/16 Post Comments by 11:59 pm on 11/20/16 Questioning naturalism in 3D user interfaces http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2330687 By Doug A. Bowman, Ryan P . McMahan, and Eric D. Ragan Communications […]
DS 501 Wearable Technology This class is meant to give students hands-on experience in building wearable computing platforms. Students will learn fundamentals of both AC and DC circuitry, weaving, basic […]
Third Posting 1. What each individual in the group worked on over the last week a) All four of us(Bixi, Zhicheng, Shruthi and myself) met in the lab twice this […]
This week Mickey and Ken got into the lab for the first time, set up our environment, and made sure everything runs. We’ve set one weekly meeting time in that […]
What each individual in the group worked on over the last week Since this was the first week of project most of the work was done in group. We […]
This week: We began fleshing out the storyline of our RPG and planned out a lot of the puzzles we want to incorporate into the game. We also all began […]
Where have had some questions of where the VR lab is. The location is 2254 Nancy Nicholas Hall. The picture above shows about where the room is from the outside. […]
Danny has created an iPhone app to send Gyroscope sensor data via UDP Li has created an environment in Unity: Wasim has got all the hardware needed for the fan controlling, […]
Progress: We found a surgery room in asset store. We have decided to use it as a base for our design. Finished the network connection between unity and the remote […]