For the end of class we will have two last items for you to do:
Item #1: Final Project Post
First, upload an image of your poster. Alternatively you can upload a video of your project in action.
Next answer these questions in your post:
- Describe the operation of your final project. What does it do and how does it work?
- Describe each team-members role as well as contributions to the project.
- As a team, describe what are your feelings about your project? Are you happy, content, frustrated, etc.?
- What were the largest hurdles you encountered in your project and how did you overcome these obstacles?
- How well did your project meet your original project description and goals?
- If you had more time, what would you do next on your project?
Item #2: Final Email
The last step of the this process is to send me an email. This is your chance to give feedback in a way that will be kept confidential. Emails need to only answer each question, but can be as long or short as you want. Emails should include:
- Your personal thoughts and feelings on the project
- Your opinion of the about the team dynamics of your group
- Your opinion if everyone in your group contributed to the project
- Your opinion if everyone in your group should receive the same grade
Optional If you would like to, you can also provide class feedback. You can answer any of the question below, or simply write freely.
- What things in the class worked and do you think should continue?
- What things in the class do you feel did not work?
- What things in the class do you think would be beneficial to add in the future?
- Are there readings that would have liked to see earlier or later in the semester?
- Are there other topics you would have liked to have read about more?
The deadline for all course assignments is noon Tuesday December 22. This includes any material that you would like to turn in late for partial credit. However, if you would like me to notify you as to what material I have late or missing from you I need your final email no later than by noon Monday December 21.
Thank you again for a wonderful semester!