Eco Nut: Week 1

Catlateral Damage


Catlateral Damage


Individual Reports:

Eric started storyboarding the flow of the game and transcribed notes for our meetings.

Kang also started storyboarding the flow of the game and built the presentation for Thursday.

Ike offered ideas to aide in tackling the issue of the flow and timeline of the game.

Tyler took notes during the meetings and offered ideation of the game’s scope and flow and wrote the blog post for Thursday.

It is important to note that we will be meeting together twice a week to work collaboratively on the project and a lot of progress will overlap with each other.



  • We met to discuss the path of the story that we wanted to take and started to storyboard the sequences
  • We looked at other examples of games and thought about how their style of gameplay could be applied to our own
  • We discussed our potential target users and concluded that our game should be approachable to both young and old
  • We thought about the role of satire and comedy in casual gaming and how it could apply our own game



One of our biggest issues was figuring how exactly we wanted to approach the message of environmentalism, whether it be in a serious light, whether or not it should be emotionally grabbing, etc. We discussed back and forth a lot with different ideas and the scope got a little too large after a while.


Plans for Next Week:

We plan to start purchase some assets in the Unity Asset Store and start building the environment next week. We will continue to perfect the storyboard and refine the flow of the game.



Week 9: Storyboarding

Week 10: 3D Modeling

    House Interior

    Outside Environment

    Weather Effects

Week 11: 3D Modeling

Week 12 Working on Interaction between 3D Models and User

Week 13 Working on Interaction between 3D Models and User

Week 14 Working on Interaction between 3D Models and User

Week 15 User – Testing (Working on Interaction between 3D Models and User)

Week 16 User – Testing (Working on Interaction between 3D Models and User)


Fallback Plans:

If we cannot fully implement all of features, such as dynamic interaction and decision-based gameplay, we will naturally fall back to more of a mini-game style of play.


Changes from Original Prospect:

Instead of being part of an emotionally grabbing story, we decided to gamify the process of saving the environment and flip it backwards. The purpose of this experience now is to see just how much of the virtual environment you can destroy by engaging in simple actions, such as turning on a stove or leaving the lights on in a room. Typically concerns of global warming are tackled in charged political discussions, so we thought that it would be refreshing to let people learn about their impacts in a different, more entertaining way.