Kevin Krieg – Final Project

Project Title: Drago 

Project Team Members: Kevin Krieg

Project Description

A compression forearm sleeve that will track the user’s movement during weightlifting exercises, and then display metrics (acceleration, power output, bar path, range of motion, ect.) about each rep/set to the user’s phone. Additional ambitious goals would be for the circuit to removable by Velcro so the sleeve could be washed, and for the sleeve to be able to identify exercises without user input.

I hope to take advantage of a specific lilypad board with Simblee’s BLE Bluetooth module built in, to communicate with the Simblee app on a user’s phone, which allows for UI elements to be built in the Arduino IDE.

Sketch/Concept Art20160302_203950197_iOS




Fictional soviet sports science: Ivan Drago Rocky 4\

Materials and Costs:

Lilypad Simblee BLE Board RFD 77101: $25

IMU sensor: $30 – $40

Athletic compression sleeve: $15

Wires/conductive thread



March 1st: All parts ordered

March 17th: Circuits/sewing finished, successful communication with phone

March 29th: Simblee App finished – Begin testing and data collection

April 26th: Successfully display metrics on individual lifts

Fallback Plans

Drop trying to identify lifts