Illuminating Interactive EDM Festival Outfit

Project Title

Illuminating Interactive EDM Festival Outfit

Project Team Members

Alex Tangen

Project Description

A EDM Festival outfit that shows different light patterns based on the movementIMG_2065 (1). Slower motions of the wearer will result in slow lighting effects (slowly fading in and out) and fast movements will result in a more aggressive light “show” (fast blinking LEDs, multicolor LEDs, etc.)

Sketch/Concept Art


Good for EDM goers

Materials and Costs:

LilyPad ($20), IMU ($20), individual purple LEDs ($8), Multicolor LEDs ($8), purple string LEDs ($5), blue string LEDs ($5), coin cell batteries ($10) and fiber optics ($10), outfit (N/A – already have everything).

March 4: Have all materials ordered
March 16: Have code completed and model hookup using alligator clips
March 29: Have string LEDs, LilyPad, IMU and batteries connected and attached to outfit
April 7: Attach the rest of the LEDs (multi and purple individual LEDs)
Remainder of April: Troubleshoot errors or add fiber optics for fun!
Fallback Plan: Everything I have proposed is very doable and I am determined to make it work. If I run out of time I will only incorporate 1 accelerometer threshold and no fiber optics. I could also include less LEDs if time is an issue.