Weekly Update 1



1. An image or video (this could either be photograph of the current state of your work, a sketch, a diagram, etc)

I worked with Sylvia to draw the circuit thing… I would send a picture of the Arduino, but I can’t access it right now.  Even better, I could send a picture of the bluetooth receiver working from the Arduino with my phone…. sorry for the lack of picture.



2. A Listing of accomplishments made by all group members for the previous week

  1. Circuit roughly designed to use Log2(N) pins where N is the number of lines (So 4 rows = 2 pins, 8 columns = 3 pins).  We initially planned for about 30 pins, so we achieved about a six-fold reduction in inputs needed.
  2. Initial user interface designed for phone application
  3. Actually ordered the conductive ink instead of leaving it in my cart
  4. Initial test run of Bluetooth appears to work.  We’ll be transitioning to a smaller board with an integrated Bluetooth module in the near future for ease of use and compactness.

3. A description of problems encountered and outstanding issues (highlight anything that you are looking for help on)

  1. The current Bluetooth receiver doesn’t work on iOS, which is a problem because we need it to pair with an iPad.  We expect the integrated Arduino Bluetooth to work on iOS.
  2. I think we talked about this briefly in class on Thursday, but moving forward we’ll definitely want to discuss which fabrics are the best and how best to actually create this (From a materials side).
  3. We’ll start diving into the Bluetooth connection soon, which may cause some problems.  Because we are using a framework to allow for our application to work on both iOS and Android, I think we are a bit worried about the support for a lower-level service across platforms.


4. A plan for the next week of work

  1. I think the ink came in the mail the other day, so we’ll start testing that.
  2. Getting the phone application more fleshed out.
  3. We’ll start to generate the Arduino code which will be an interface between the Phone app and the actual hardware.
    1. Generate the mapping for what should be sent to the phone
    2. Generate the code to parse inputs to determine what has been pressed.
    3. Test a refractory period so that a single button press doesn’t spam a word over and over again.
    4. Test how long contact should occur for before it is active.  We don’t want any brush to cause it to go off.