Weekly Update #2

Spring Break was exceptionally busy. First, I finished Patterning all of the armor pieces to be used to the Android, taking into account how far off my body it needs to be, where the lights and hardware will go, and how they will be attached.

Next, I cut out the pieces for each armor piece and assembled a few of them. The upper arm armor needed to be fully assembled before it could be finished so I used these pieces to test my light design to make sure it reflects off my body as anticipated. Conclusion: It does.

Similarly I also did the lighting for the chest pieces to make sure they shine through the shirt and attach to the pieces as anticipated. Conclusion: Also works.

I began coating each piece in wood glue to make them smoother and more solid.

I still have to design the hand plates and fingers but the patterns are finished.

I have to finish coating and painting all the pieces, attach all the hardware to the pieces and then wire them all together. The main concern now is going to be how i wire the pieces together so that they are wearable…but can also still be take off and not break anything.