Weekly Update III

Progress so far is at pace. As an Estimate I would say we are 40% done, all of the electronics are collected and now are just testing the software. They can not be permanently hooked up until the shirt is done. Which is going to be a major hurdle, getting the components attached to the shirt. The project has not changed that much from the start, as at the beginning there was no specific pattern/material of the shirt.


This week I continued to work on the audio circuit. One problem I had was the circuit was notĀ solder correctly, this however was fixed during this week. I have written code for detecting audio, but it is hard to tell if the different volume levels are actually usable, since write now the only output is text in the console. I have prepared the EL sequencer and uploaded skeleton code on it so next week I can easy test the volume detection using the EL devices output.

Testing the Volume Capture with software uploaded on the lillypad.

Testing the Volume Capture with software.


This week I bought the necessary resources I needed to make the shirt itself such as fabric and a shirt pattern. I have also started working on the shirt by beginning with the shirt pattern alterations to fit our projects constraints. A problem came up when I noticed that the pattern I bought was actually only sizes Extra-large to xxx-large. For the next week I plan on solving that issue by either scaling the pattern down to a size small or using a short sleeves shirt pattern I have used before and hopefully start physically constructing the shirt.

M-Shirt fabrics

M-Shirt fabrics