Weekly Update #3

test poncho 1

Done this week:

The test poncho is sewn, which gives me a sense of size and lets me test for weight.

I’ve tested all the candidate fasteners as parts of simple circuits (lighting a single LED), and they all work fine.  Some of the stronger magnets require a fair effort to separate, which may be something to keep in mind — the garment may need reinforcement wherever they’re sewn in, and the module cases may need to be shaped to allow for enough grip.



Still deciding what the textile part should look like.  The current test poncho helps gives a feel for what the final size should be (it’s a bit small), but the pattern and fabric need to be decided.

Considering printing a layer of conductive ink on a fabric middle layer, and having the outer layer’s pattern reflect the printed traces?


A plan for the next week of work:

Make a test case, and test it on the test poncho.

Decide on the final hardware, possibly purchase additional. (a raspberry pi 3? some adafruit trinkets?)

Maybe rig a trinket, or whatever else is on hand, as an I2C slave.


What percentage would you estimated that you have completed for your project?

About 40% to the baseline — a case that sticks to a garment while both do something electronic, but can be removed for charging.

There’s a lot of polish and embellishment possible beyond that 100%, though.


How much has the project changed since your initial pitch?

Pretty much the same, though a bit more fleshed out now.
What major hurdles do you have left?

Biggest hurdle: Gotta make a poncho.


I also need to decide how things not built to use I2C can be rigged to do so.  Worst case is a trinket with it’s own battery, best case is probably a trinket drawing power from the central module.


Then I need to decide what everything does.

The baseline is having a central “heart” module that both can be removed and possibly repositioned.

Then we add other modules.  Some ways these could go:

  • Attachment:
    • some could attatch to the fabric with snaps
    • some could be sewn into the fabric
    • some could attach to other modules with magnets
    • some could be built to be removed temporarily
      • (to do this right, it means giving them their own battery that’s used only when disconnected)
  • Actuators:
    • lights
    • speakers
    • vibration
    • displays
  • Respond to People:
    • motion detection
    • proximity
  • Respond to Environment
    • gas sensors
    • proximity
    • temperature
    • light
  • As Input Device
    • IMU; temporarily removable “wand”
    • simple button
    • simple slide
    • camera


There may be some interesting semantics to the connections — giving a module that plays sound a connection spot meant for volume, that can take either a slider or a button.  With I2C, though, that would be a decision made in code.  So maybe that’s another hurdle: how and why does all of this fit in with the code?