Project Title
SeeFit Tracker
Project Team Members
Connor Gallaher
Project Description
A wrist-worn wearable that monitors heart rate and basic movements, driving output through LEDs that give the user visualization of heart rate zones, as well as progress in their workout.
Sketch/Concept Art
Materials and Costs
Pulse Sensor – $25
3 axis Accelerometer – $12
Wristband – ~$5
Lilypad Board – $60
Total: ~$100
- March 3rd: All materials ordered
- March 8th: Begin implementing hardware
- March 17th: Pulse sensor, accelerometer implemented in wristband (hardware completed)
- March 29th: Begin programming
- April 5th: Complete programming
- April 7th-19th: Test, address issues if need be
- April 21st: Final troubleshooting
Fallback Plans
Get rid of accelerometer functionality – reduce to heart rate and feedback via heart rate zones, how long in zone, etc.