Daily Archives: April 26, 2016

Weekly Update#6

  Accomplishment: 80%-85% Last week I finished sewing the Lilypad in the pocket on my nightdress and I adjusted the code. The output data is OK. Difficulties: There are still some threads on the surface and I don’t know what is the best way to cover it. Plan next week: […]

Weekly Update #6

The light sensors are in, the only thing left to sew in are the EL lights and panel. Hopefully there won’t be too many problems with the wire- I’m assuming the only problem will be making sure there’s enough slack for movement. The panel cannot be sewn in, so I’ll […]

Weekly Update #6

Past week was very tedious for progress. The hands have been fully patterned and one hand is fully finished, still building the fingers of the next. They those pieces will be off to paint as they are not necessary for electrical outputs. Final pieces have their final layers of paint […]