Getting started – 1st post

This will be my first of many weekly posts regarding my progress on the semester project I was assigned for independent study – IPD detection.

Coming into the project I have minimal programming experience with Python and VR but have done more extensive work with Java and C, so I am excited for what this semester holds and to learn many things along the way.

For this first week I had the goal of setting up Python and OpenCV and having it open and show an image. I was hoping to get beyond that but with a very busy week that wasn’t possible, unfortunately. (I embarrassingly spent a few hours dealing with pip and python installation issues and figuring out the command line)

Attached are screenshot(s) of what I was able to accomplish so far:
.GettingStarted OpeningImage

For next week I plan to take this further and try and have OpenCV to talk to the laptop’s webcam, and also test functionality with videos. From there I could proceed to playing with the library’s blob detection capabilities.